Monday, April 25, 2016

Mickel Potato & Egg Scramble

Feeds 4-5

1 large baked potato (can use frozen hashbrowns)
1 onion chopped
garlic cloves or garlic powder
4 eggs scrambled
Spinach and/or broccoli chopped
1/2 can of black olives sliced
leftover meat (I did sliced deli meat, but you can use any leftover meat, like shredded beef/chicken or chunks of chicken, ham)
dash of cayenne
salt and pepper and/or season salt
2 Tomatoes chopped (could use salsa, I used a tomato that was soft, I didn't want it in a salad)
1 avocado

Saute onion in oil for 10+ min.  Then add chopped baked potato, let cook for 10 min and get browned. Push potatoes and onions to side of pan and cook eggs on open side. When eggs are cooked combine/mix potatoes, onions, and eggs. Add seasonings, olives, spinach,  and leftover meat cook for a few minutes. Right before you eat add tomatoes and avocado.

You could put all this inside a burrito for breakfast and can freeze for future breakfasts.

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