Showing posts with label Parenting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parenting. Show all posts

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Podcasts and education

1.  The Mom Show- with Lindsay Aerts
 she shares her story of experiencing postpartum depression and anxiety, and many other parenting topics.

When you feel like a bad mom, you stay small, isolate, stay quiet, you dont want anyone to know how you are operating.

2.  Better Than Happy and    Bold New Mom(older episodes)- Jodi Moore, taking care of herself with thought work

3. All in Podcast, LDS Living magazine, by The Church of Jesus christ of latter day saint.

4. About Progress- progress not perfection
episode 143- knowing who you are

Sunday, February 5, 2017


Oct 2016 Lynn Robbins- The Righteous Judge

like this variation of quote attributed to Goethe: “The way you see [a child] is the way you treat them, and the way you treat them is [who] they [will]   become.”10 To remember child’s true identity is gift of foresight that divinely inspires the vision of righteous judge.

Oct 2015 Its Never Too Early, Never Too Late
If our children merely hear but do not understand the gospel, then the door is left open for Satan to remove these truths from their hearts.
He was president of a single adult stake at BYU–Idaho, he intreviewd Pablo which changed his life. “Pablo, who was it that helped you come to this point in your life standing so uprightly before the Lord?” His Dad
Elder foster talking to his adult kids, “Your mother and I want you to know that we were your age once. We had trials and hard times. When these things happen, we want you to come and talk to us. We’ll help you get through them. Now, we don’t want to be in your business all the time, but we want you to know that we are always in your corner. Establishing this process is to help my family not only hear but understand.

Oct 2007 Good, Better, Best