Showing posts with label clean. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clean. Show all posts

Monday, March 11, 2024

Burned or Burnt pot

 I made steel cut oats in the pressure cooker.

They cooked within 20 min it was great!!

AND they also burned a immense amount too.

The bottom of the pan had probably about an inch of burned oats. But the rest (the top 4 inches) of the batch tasted fantastic.

I left the pot overnight to soak in water and soap. It did nothing

The next day, I put baking soda and kitchen soap in the pot and let it sit. I used a strong metal spatula to scrape off the bottom of the pan it worked great with alot of effort. It was surprising how water and soap didnt seem to penetrate the thick burned-ness.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Disinfecting Laundry, Cleaning with Oils

LAUNDRY- Luke woke up puking, so I put bath towels on my chest and he laid on me, so I needed to disinfect the towels he puked on. The Great thing is that there are alot of options to kill sick bugs.

The Ideas below are from- How To Clean Stuff, looks like most of these suggestions are added to the beginning hot wash cycle, can add at the end rinse cycle for an extra kick

1.  Bleach
2. 2 t, Tea tree oil is effective in disinfecting
3.  10 drops, Lavender oil is antibacterial and antiseptic, as well as antifungal. 
4.  1 t, Thyme oil is a powerful disinfectant known to kill E. coli and MRSA, and is also an antifungal
5.  Lysol Laundry Sanitizer
6. Defense Super Shield Laundry Additive
7. To use white vinegar, add 1 cup of it to the rinse cycle. This is very effective for killing bacteria, and will also help to deodorize laundry 
8. hydrogen peroxide, add 1 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide to the wash.

Brooke Prothero said she has used at the beginning of the wash cycle-

1. Essential oils- deliverance, cinnamon, lavender, orange
2. Dawn dish detergent to degrease to washing machine and oily/sweaty sheets
3. Baking soda to deoderize


She sometimes adds 10% rubbing alcohol or 10% hydrogen peroxide to 90% water
1. Smaller water bottle- 20 drops of oil
2. Big regular cleaning spray bottle- 50 drops

She uses deliverance, SpiceC, thyme, oregano and/or pine