Saturday, October 31, 2015

Lauren Creamy Curry

3-4 chicken breasts cut in pieces
1 medium diced onion
1 carrot diced or sliced
2 cloves garlic
4 T butter or coconut oil
1/4 c flour
3-4 T curry powder
1 t ground tumeric
1 t brown sugar
1 heaping tsp basil (or handful of chopped fresh)
cayenne to taste (1/2t if you want spicy)
1/4t cinnamon
1 c water
1 can coconut milk cream or half and half (or mixture of both) or substitutes when I don't have coconut milk (1. cream or 2.sour cream (3.cream cheese) add more milk or 4. water or 5. chicken broth, or 6. cashew or almond paste (blended in blender), or  7. tomato puree/pulp.
1 small can of diced tomatoes
Squeeze and lime or lemon in the pot before serving

Brown chicken in butter on medium high heat.
Add veggies and let simmer with chicken for about 2 min.
Stir in curry powder and flour- stir for about 1 min and stir in water.  When it begins to simmer stir in cream.  Now add all the remaining ingredients.  Bring to simmer, may need to turn up to high heat to begin a simmer. Let simmer 30 min, stir occasionally.

Add extra curry powder or cayenne if you like spicier.

If too thick add more milk or cream.

Serve with favorite rice, naan or fresh flour tortillas.

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