Sunday, September 15, 2024

Denise’s peach pie.

From Nadine Rollo-

  • I’ve got a really easy recipe We all (sisters)have the same recipe and we all use it.

    .(for 1 pie)
    3/4 C Sugar
    4TB cornstarch
    1 Pinch of salt
    1C cold water
    1 T Lemon juice to taste 
    10 drops of lemon essential oil
     1/8 c butter

    Cook to pie shell first and let it cool in freezer or fridge.

    Stir together the sugar, cornstarch and salt.
    Add 1c water slowly while stirring.. and keep stirring.
    It will become really thick stir and cook for one minute. remove from the heat and add your lemon juice to taste and the butter.
     Add the peaches to the sauce stir. carefully Add to prepare pie shells and enjoy it.

    Refrigerate for a couple of hours but if not, it’s OK. It taste good either way. I hope this works for you. We do love it with whipping cream by the way or ice cream.. … I told Lily that if the peaches ripen on any of the trees while we are gone, but you are welcome to take some peaches. Thank you for letting her do all this. She’s a great help.

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