Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Free or cheap Adult activities and Date Nights


Summer Big Band swing Dancing at the Gallivan center in SLC


1. the Weber county Library has craft/art classes- 
2nd and 4th tuesdays Weber county library or look here
2. Occasionally perry egyptian theatre Ogden
3. The Monarch on FB Ogden
   A. they have rotating traveling art exhibits, where artists bring their creations to show off. 
   B. Also they have a ton (20ish) creative small studios where artists come to create and sell their goods (paintings, pottery
   C. One time there was a thrift market
   D. Theres a Workshop for creating your own wineglass and creating resin jewelry
   E. Locals Rock the Monarch- The also have a Van Music Series- where they bring a 1980's old school van inside the bldg and have random bands play in and around the van (definitely recommend going to)

4. Karaoke- Free Thursday nights at Funk and Dive Bar,

5. Kaysville Theatre-  Movies Mondays $1, Matinees $4, Tues - Sat  $5
 M-Th @ 630, Saturdays 1 & 330pm
doors open at 6, show starts @ 630, matinee doors open at 12:30, show starts at 1

6. The Lighthouse Bar- Ogden, there is open mic nights and karaoke (mon & thurs)  too
"Strangers" live podcast by Paddy Teglia featuring Special Guests that have helped make Ogden, UT what it is today.
Vinyl Night hosted by Paddy Teglia. Spinning all of Your favorite records. That's right, Your Records! 
FRIDAY Live Music Starts @ 9 PM, $5 cover charge
SATURDAY Live Music Starts @ 9 PM, $5 cover charge

7. Kamikazes - Ogden, House Of Rock- Live music and open mic nights

8Gandy Dancer Mercantile on Facebook-  Ogden, 801-605-3384
Live Music Series! Free, family friendly concerts every Thursday, Friday, & Saturday 6-8 p.m.

9. Neptune Skating Ogden
Mon 3-6pm $5 and 6-10 $20 per family,
Tues 6-8pm, and 8-10pm $1
Wed 3-6pm $5 and 6-9pm $5
Thurs closed
Fri 1-6pm $10 and 6pm-12am $10
Sat- 11am-6pm $10 and 6pm-12am $10, ladies 18 and older free after 9pm

10. Green Haus Art Co

11. Hot springs 
     A. Meadow Hot springs 2.5 hours  south of SLC
     B. Red Hill Hot Springs, 3 hours south of SLC, by Richefield
     C.Bear River Hot springs-  and also this website (aka Riverdale Resort) 
2 hours north of SLC, preston, ID, prices begin at $10 per person
     D. Maple Grove Hot Springs- $18 per adult, 2 hours 20 min north of SLC
     E, Downata Hot Springs $12 per person, 1 hour 54 min north of SLC
     F. Crystal Cove Hot Springs- $18 per person or wed night family night (6 ppl) $36-$42

12. Comedy Sports- Provo $10 per person, 7:30 or 9:30 show
13. Dry Bar Comedy Provo, $25 per person
14. Improv Broadway, Provo $10, every fri and sat 7:30
15. BYU Divine Comedy Campus Show, Provo, $5

16. Keys On Main- Dueling pianos bar In SLC, fri or sat 7-830pm or 9pm-12am
17. Hopkins Brewery- 1048 E 2100 S, SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84106 (385) 528-3275- Jazz performances wed (a trio and open mic night) and thursday nights (a band).

FEBRUARY Valentines-
Thanksgiving point- Lehi- Dinner and Dance $80 per person
Many Ideas for Valentines in SLC- cooking class, bingo, comedian,
Eden Frozen Hearts Ball- Live Music $20 per person, refreshments Instagram
Ogden Eccles Community Center Dance- $90 per couple, Live Music, dinner and Dance
The Madison in Ogden Valentines Dance- $65 for two, street tacos, dance
Adult Prom- In Clearfield- $60 per couple- photo, DJ, Dancing and facebook
SLC A Nght of  Love $30-$!75, DJ, Dinner, Show, Dance @ Temple Terrace Event Center


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