I see what's happening yeah.
You're face to face with daddy and it's strange.
You don't really know how to feel—it's adorable!
Well it's nice to see that children never change.
Turn off your iPod, let's begin,
Yes, it's really me, it's Daddy, breath it in!
I know it's a lot, you're amazed, you're awed!
When you're staring at all this Dad-bod.
What can I say except “You're welcome!”
For your house and all the food that I buy.
Hey it's okay, it's okay, you're welcome!
Please don't date any sleezy guys.
What has two thumbs and can tell when you lie
ever since you were waddling yay-high? This guy!
When the nights get cold who pays for the furnace
and shovels snow? You're looking at him, yo!
Oh! Also I put diapers on your bum—You're welcome—
Because you stunk. It wasn't fun.
Also I chased away those bees—you're welcome
and cleaned my shirt when you threw up pees
What can I say, except you're welcome.
For helping you climb that tree.
Hey it's okay it's okay, you're welcome,
for pulling over every five minutes so you can go pee
You're welcome, you're welcome!
Well, come to think of it...
Kids, honestly I could go on and on
all the times you barge in while I'm on the john
The taxes, the cleaning, tooting sounds
Oh, that was daddy just messing around .
I kiss your owies, bangage your cuts
don't get mad when you hit me in the nuts
What's the lesson, what is the takeaway?
I love you even when you make me go to ballet.
And these gray hairs and wrinkles on my skin,
come from 10 years of not sleeping in
Sometimes I wonder if you'll ever stop yappin
Or leave me alone when I'm on the couch nappin
What can I say except you're welcome!
And I don't mean to gloat
Hey it's okay it's okay, you're welcome
I love you so much it
makes me float
You're welcome! You're welcome!
And Thank you!