Sunday, June 14, 2020

Sister, I am with you

From FB on june 12

Not everyone is gonna like you.
Not everyone is gonna choose you, or get you, or have your back. Not everyone is gonna invite you. Not everyone is gonna claim you as their favorite, or their best friend. Not everyone is gonna trust you. Not everyone is gonna save you a seat, or tell you their secrets, or include you on every group text.
And it’s okay.
Is it fun? No, not especially, but it is part of life.
And the sooner we learn that it’s not our job to please everyone, or chase everyone, or beg them that we are worth liking, the better off we’ll be.
Be good to everyone. Don’t purposely give people a reason not to trust you, but save your energy for the ones who choose you, and lift you up, and make room for you at their table.
Your energy, and your time and your heart is precious. It’s okay to protect it.
Follow Sister I am with you for more.
Written by Amy Weatherly