Saturday, January 24, 2015

Carob VS. Chocolate (cocoa) VS. Cacao

Amy's thoughts on Comparison:  
    Personally for me I want to feel a little more self control when it comes to chocolate. So I've reached out to try carob powder instead of chocolate.  They appear they both have their pros and cons to both sides.  The cacao powder seems to have significantly more vitamins and nutrients but still has the caffeine impact.  Maybe a balance of all of them.  But cacao is a more pure form of chocolate (cocoa).  It is just what you prefer. (amy)

    1.  Chocolate (cocoa) has stimulants called- caffeine or theobromine, can give migranes if your prone to it,  iron, magnesium, copper, and manganese.  (Found from Quick and Dirty)
    2.  carob powder is lower in fat but significantly higher in carbohydrates and sugar, significant amount of calcium (Found from Quick and Dirty)
     3. Cacao powder contains the minerals calcium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc, contains flavanoids which are beneficial for cardiovascular health

What is carob?
Carob comes from the pod of a tree that grows along the Mediterranean Sea called the carob tree. Once dried and roasted, the pulp is ground into a powder called carob flour,  This website also has recipes for- carob cake, granola bars, and no-cook energy balls...  carob should be consumed with plenty of water
From Whole Foods

How are cacao and cocoa different?
cacao and cocoa are both made from pods of the theobroma cacao plant.
      Cacao however avoids the roasting processes and is just grinded into powder.  Cacao powder has a stronger, more bitter flavour, and is packed full of nutrients and antioxidants.  
      The cocoa powder is roasted, grinded, usually (dutching) potassium carbonate, is added to the powder making the cocoa less acidic. Studies show however that heavy dutching destroys as much as 90% of the antioxidants.
      Carob doesn’t contain the theobromine that chocolate contains. Generally speaking carob chocolate has lower calories and less fat than chocolate made with cocoa, although it does have a different flavour.  It’s also a good source of vitamin A, B vitamins and some minerals.
From First be healthy

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