Thursday, February 11, 2016

Pressure cooker canner

I am not suppose to use my presto cooker for a canner, but I wanted to try it and if it didn't work then I'd just freeze the beans instead.

I did soak black beans overnite
Rinsed out the water and put new water in
Fill up canner with hot water and put stove on medium heat
Scoped beans into half pint jar  an inch away from top
Filled jars with hot water  an inch away from top
Wipe of tops of jars and put the lids on,
Then put jars in the canner, the water around the jars was filled to half way up the pot, then put lid on
Turn stove to high
It took probably a half hour for the canner to reach the whistle
Then cook for 1hr and 15min

2 out of the 5 actually sealed.  The 3 that didnt seal had black bean skin on the rim of the jar that stopped it from sealing.

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