Saturday, June 20, 2015

Sesame Ginger Salad dressing

Serves 10
1/2c honey
2T apple cider vinegar (or rice vinegar, or white wine vinegar)
1/2c- 1c olive oil
1-2t mustard
2T soy sauce
1t ginger
1-2t toasted sesame seeds
salt and pepper

Mix everything.  Put 1/4c of dressing in a small container to leave in cupboard, so it isn't solidified, for easy accessible use.  Put the rest in a container in the fridge.

Shelf life of dressings- Taste of Home
The "shelf life" of salad dressings varies somewhat. 
Generally, vinaigrettes can be kept refrigerated for up to 2 weeks. 
Dairy-based dressings, like buttermilk, and dressings made with fresh ingredients, like chopped onion, fresh herbs, tomato sauce and chopped hard-cooked egg, will keep up to 1 week.

Can also freeze- I received this recipe from the cook at the Bountiful Temple cafeteria.  But she made a half gallon at a time, so here is the big version:
Serves 100
2c sugar/honey
1 1/2c white vinegar
4 c oil
1/4c Dijon mustard
2/3c soy sauce
2T powdered ginger
1T dry mustard
1t celery seed
1T toasted sesame seeds
pink of salt.

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