Saturday, June 20, 2015


1.  Leafy Greens as a base- romaine, spinach, finely chopped kale, cabbage, any type of leafy veggie (even the finely chopped up leftover celery tops) and Grated carrots
Prepare this above for the next 3-4 days. I add the sliced/chopped greens and grated carrots in a large bowl. See note A

2.  Then in separate individual containers for each veggie- I slice and chop red/yellow/green peppers, cucumbers, finely chopped broccoli or cauliflower, tomatoes, chopped celery, peas, etc... If they aren't separated they get mushy and gross. See note B

3.  Fruit- mandarin oranges, strawberries,blueberries, apples... sometimes I don't add any fruit to the salad and leave it for dessert after dinner is over

4.  Crunch-  I like some sort of crunch (choose one of the following)- croutons, toasted nuts, Snapea Crisps, crunchy Chow mein noodles, tortilla chips, etc....

5.  Add beans of your choice- black beans, white great northern beans or garbonzo, etc...

When I serve the salad I usually assemble the salads individually on each plate and then follow with steps 2-5.

A. When it is day 5 or later I add the wilted greens to a smoothie.
B. Another option for storing cut veggies. I have a large rectangular tupperware container with no sections for separating veggies, so I use tin foil to form smaller compartments/sections inside for rectangulat container. Works great!!!

Serve with:
Sesame Ginger dressing
Poppy seed dressing

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