Friday, April 28, 2017


I usually make enough smoothie for 5 people.  Sometimes we have leftover smoothie, 1. put in fridge lasts till the next day, or 2. I freeze it in sandwich size ziplock bags for individual servings.

The possibilities are endless, but this will get you started.

1. Liquid- one cup of ONE of the following liquids- any type of milk, juice from canned fruit, juice in fridge, water
2. Greens- one or more of the following: kale, spinach, romaine, any other greens
3. Veggies and fruits- whatever you have in your fridge or freezer. Mild veggies: Carrots, cucumber,cut off tops from strawberries, cored apples, any frozen fruits, Stronger Flavors(not my fav):celery, broccoli/cauliflower stems
4. Nutrient boosters- 2T or more of the following: flax, chia seeds, hemp heart, protein shake
5. 1-2 frozen or fresh banana

A smoothie I made today-
1. 1c frozen leftover pineapple juice(slightly defrosted), 2 handfuls of spinach, 2 (one inch cut) carrots, flax and chia seeds, 2 frozen bananas

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