Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Meaningful Movies and Books

possibly cheaper website for buying books-  Abe Books

Movies From Common Sense Media
1. Facing the Giants (2006)
2. The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
3. Imba Means Sing
Vibrant, uplifting docu about African children's choir.
4. What's on Your Plate?
Excellent docu teaches Fast Food Nation-like lessons.
5. Kindness Is Contagious
Warm, feel-good docu about being nice is uplifting.
6. Wadjda- Beautiful, nuanced tale of an independent Saudi girl.
7. Fed Up-  is a documentary that focuses on the harm sugar does in the body.
8. Living on One dollar- documentary created by four college kids to show what it's like to live in poverty in rural Central America.
9. Chasing Ice- documentary about tracking a retreating ice glacier.
10. If You Build It- documentary that shows just what can happen if you empower young people
11. Can You Dig This?  documentary set in South Central Los Angeles, California, an infamously gang-plagued. These people have found hope, meaning, and a new way of life simply by tilling the soil and growing things in a bleak environment.
12. Pixie Hollow Games- Beautifully animated "fairy" tale teaches about teamwork.
13. Dolphin Tale- Heartwarming tale is sweet, inspiring for kids and tweens.

*Penguin documentary- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wr4d2FfivA4

There are actually a TON of penguin documentaries on youtube.com

Picture BOOKS
50 picture books from Positively Positive
*Louder Lili- also read online youtube.com

* We watched it and recommend it

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