Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Funeral Potatoes

Doubled- freeze half  in 8x11 pan and 5x5 pan cook half

1 chopped sauteed onion
2-3 cloves of garlic
salt and pepper
1c plain yogurt
white sauce or 1 can of cream of chicken soup (1)
1/4c mayo
1 lb shredded cheese
6 baked potatoes- chopped small
3 c frozen chopped potatoes
corn flakes with drizzled melted butter to go on top

Saute onions till soft, add garlic.  then add white sauce, yogurt, mayo and salt and pepper to pan to warm it up and mix well.
Add potatoes, sauce, and cheese. Separate into different greased pans, add corn flakes and butter to top. freeze one and cook one
350 degrees 45-60 minutes

(1) (TO make white sauce- saute onions and celery, melt butter, add flour and salt and pepper)

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