Thursday, April 21, 2016

Dandelion Kill

Weekend Gardener

To tackle a dandelion they said, "So what you have to do is keep killing the top growth back until the plant's taproot has run out of energy and dies. So essentially you have to wear it down. "

1.  Pull out new dandelions with the dandelion weeder, its best to get them when they are two weeks old or younger
2. If some root is left, spray with vinegar.  The best strength is at least 20% to 25% acidity, your household vinegar has only 5% to 10% acidity and is not strong enough for the job.

Dandelion mixture- Organic weed killer
   Apparently it will kill whatever you put it on.

4/23/16 I used a kitchen knife and cut into the taproot (as deep as I could) at a diagonal in the dirt, then poured some regular white vinegar on the root. The vinegar did kill the grass around the dandelion too.

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