Thursday, July 9, 2015

Grilled potatoes and salmon

Put everything in two separate flattened rectangle shapes of aluminum foil. Wrap and seal the edges tight so you can flip the aluminum foil on the opposite sides, to cook both sides. Cook in oven 350 for 30-40 min

From- All recipes
olive oil
1 sliced onion
4-5 potatoes
1 T minced garlic
salt and pepper
1/2 of fresh lemon and some zest
5-8 fresh basil leaves

Can assemble in the morning, then cook it right b4 dinner. I like to cut and mix everything in a bowl with olive oil, then put in aluminum foil then on the grill.  Can bake in the oven 350 for 20 min or on the stove top till browned.

All Recipes
1-2 T of minced garlic or (1/2-1 t of garlic powder)
salt and pepper
1/2 of lemon and some zest (1-2t of lemon juice)

I sprayed the bottom of the aluminum oil then put the salmon on top of the spray. Then sprinkle garlic, butter, salt, pepper, and lemon on salmon. Depending on the size of the salmon Cook for 10 minutes per inch of thickness, or until fish flakes when tested with a fork.  For mine about a half hour

The nite before, I made and assembled Funeral potatoes , Asparagus Yummy salad and then cooked the day of.

2/8/16 Sliced onions and mushrooms with oil, salt and pepper and roasted in oven till brown, Delicious!!!

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