Saturday, January 21, 2017

Agency- LDS Primary lesson

Choices we get to make in life either give us freedom/happiness or restriction/sadness

1. Ideas for 300 object lessons Mormon Share

2.  A neighborhood boy of mine came over to play with my girls.  He was relating an experience he had at school with a teacher. She was discussing the power of addictions and how it is hard to break the impact.  But I think this can be applied to the choices we make it life.  The teacher gave the boy a rope and each bad choice he made he had the rope tied around him one time.  He made 10 bad choices and he was all tied up and couldn't get himself out, he was stuck.  Addictions or bad choices make you stuck

3.  - LDS webpage create a question cube and sit in a circle and toss the cube around and discuss what different choices that can be made

4.  Video LDS Spiritual Crocodiles, body k packer is relates an experience about going to Africa and observing the animals being hesitant to drink from the water hole b/c they knew a crocodile was in it. But Bro Packer didn't believe the guide and couldn't see the crocodile, but it was there. Then another experience about a teenager from england came to visit africa and he didnt follow the rules and climbed over the 10 feet high fence and was eaten by a crocodile. Elder packer continues, "Those ahead of the teenagers in life, have probed the water holes of life and know the Spiritual crocodiles, that will kill or mutilate your soul, destroy your peace of mind."  They are trying to warn and educate you so you don't need to encounter the challenges/devastation they've experienced.

 5.  Gen Conf Elder Keetch “Don’t be too critical of the barrier.” A Barrier in the ocean (like a fence) was keeping the disgruntled surfers from enjoying the waves. But they realized there were large sharks feeding near the reef and that barrier was the thing that was keeping them alive. Commandments are are rules that keep us safe.

6. Agency Game Board Sugardoodle

7. Situations  LittleLDSIdeas to decide whether its a good choice or bad-  1.  You took something away from your little brother/sister. When your Mother asked what happened, you told her you didn’t know. 2. Your Dad asks you to clean your room, but you don’t feel like doing it. 3. Your friend invites you to the movies, but the movie that they want to see is one that you know you shouldn’t watch. You lie to your parents and say that you will be watching a different movie. 4.  Your Mother asks you to clean your room, but you don’t want to so you don’t. 5.During Primary, you and your friend talk to each other, and don’t listen to the lessons.  6.Your brother/sister does something that makes you so mad that you call them a bad name. 7.It’s Fast Sunday. Even though it is hard to fast, you decide to fast for a friend that is very sick. 8.You choose to read your scriptures every day. 9.  Your friend tells you that you can copy his/her homework. You know that that is cheating, so you tell them no. 10. During the Sacrament, you think of Jesus Christ and sit reverently. 11.Some of your friends are talking bad about someone in your class. You choose not to join them, and say something nice about the person. 12 You see someone drop $5 at the grocery store. You pick it up and give it back to them. 13.Your neighbor was in the hospital for a few days. To help them out, you and your family deliver dinner to them. 14. You wanted to do something special for your Mom, so you vacuum without being asked.

14. A new boy sits by you in class
15. You little brother/sister wants to play with you and your friends
16. Leah is bullied at school
17. Martin invites you to a movie on sunday
18. Your brother is mean to you

8. MormonShare Take a spool of thread and wrap the thread once or twice around the volunteer’s fingers or wrists. Have them break the thread. This represents bad habits/choices. 

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