Monday, June 13, 2016


Sheri Dew

1. Asking questions and not finding the answer, "They are an invitation for you to grow spiritually."
2. These questions, "propel us to engage in a spiritual wrestle so that the Lord can lead us along."
3. As you cultivate these spiritual habits by wrestling with the Lord, there are two questions that will help open the heavens. 
First, ask the Lord to teach you what it feels and sounds like for you when He is speaking to you via the Holy Ghost, and then watch how He tutors you. 
And, second, if you've never asked the Lord how He feels about you, that is a great question to ask. In time, He will tell you, and as He does, you'll learn more about speaking His language.  

An 18yr old girl Rules for her younger friends going into middle/high school-
Allie's Rules
  1. Surround yourself with people who build you up, not people who tear you down.
  2. Treat your kisses like you have a limited supply.
  3. Guard your heart. Seriously… your heart is precious.
  4. Stay vertical/no buttons and zippers (or Velcro). In other words, set your boundaries and stick to them.
  5. Have an accountability partner and be willing to tell HER everything.
  6. Be so so so so so so so SO SO SO SO careful who you date.
  7. If you’re wondering if you should break up with him, break up with him.
  8. If your girl gets broken up with, go buy her a stuffed animal, a blanket, candy, and lots and lots of ice cream. (Other gifts are acceptable.)
  9. Pray, PRAY, PRAY! Don’t ever forget how much you need God.
  10. Have a quiet time. It may seem like a hassle, but it will help you stay close to God.
  11. Be nice to your parents. They love you and want the best for you, so if you disagree with them, just realize that they are a lot smarter than you…sorry about it.
  12. If you find yourself lying to your parents/other adults in your life, backtrack and get out of that situation IMMEDIATELY. You are somewhere you do not want to be.
  13. Never be afraid to say no. It’s better to be a wimp than dead.
  14. When you fall on your face, get back up and keep moving (literally and figuratively).
  15. Journal so you can look back and see what God has done in your life.
  16. Even when you don’t want to, GO TO CHURCH!
  17. If it’s not classy, don’t do it.
  18. Don’t judge. Even when people are doing things you don’t agree with, show them love.
  19. Pause before you speak… this will prevent a lot of problems.
  20. Selfies are for faces.

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