Sunday, November 29, 2015

Crockpot Steel cut Oatmeal

All Recipes
Cook smarts

1 can of coconut milk (13oz, which is 2 c) or cows milk or water
2 cans of water (13oz, which is 2 c- (liquid needs to be 4c to 1 c oats)
1.5 c of steel cut oats
2T coconut oil or olive oil/butter
2 t cinnamon
1/2 t ginger
2 t vanilla
1/2c sugar or honey or date paste

Add in the morning to individual bowls after it has cooked thoroughly-
2 chopped apples
Walnuts or almonds (chopped, toasted would be even better)
peanut butter
protein powder
shredded coconut

Mix ingredients in a bowl, then put in oiled or buttered crockpot.  Low for 8 hours

Top with shredded coconut, raisins, flax, sugar/honey, chopped nuts. I did chop some fresh apples and mixed in lemon juice, sugar, cinnamon and allspice to mix in, in the morning.

* (I saw one recipe said to toast the dry oats on the stove or in the oven b/4 adding them to liquid ingredients. It says it gives a more nutty or toasted flavor, I'll try that next time.)

* For a pumpkin oatmeal, add pumpkin puree to the liquid part of cooking the oats.

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