Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April Fools jokes

From I Village

1. Juice turned into jello- in fancy cups.  Any gelatin can be used, but I used unflavored Knox Gelatine b/c thats what I had. Then I mixed with apple juice.

Follow recipe on box and pour into regular cups or I used our fancy wine glasses, put in fridge for 3 hours.

From Kids Activities Blog and 20 more ideas

2.  Turn house upside down.
3. EEK! Buy realistic toy flies, spiders, etc and hid them in your kids’ lunches, or in jello, or in ice cubes
4.  Stuff a little toilet paper in the ends of their shoes and watch them think their feet grew overnight.
5.  Your child will think they are pulling the toilet paper, but a note will pop out and surprise them!
6.  For older kids, fill just the toes of their shoes with a funny item (cotton balls, deflated balloon, small bouncy ball, etc.).  For younger kids, fill the whole shoe with something unexpected.
7.  Fill your child’s pillow with balloons at nap time.  Watch them giggle when they discover what their pillow is *really* made of!
8.  After your kids go to sleep, close their door.  Tape a garbage bag to the outside of the door and fill the gap between the bag and the door with balloons.  When your kids open the door, balloons will fall on them.

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