Monday, May 13, 2019


Positive and uplifting youtube Ted Talks
Girl Up- Courtney Ferrell  not perfection- be ENOUGH, be authentic, get mentors
Life Time OUT- Justin Su'a- 5 things

1. Fill up your teens and husband with positiveness-
   a. write notes(on paper, mirror, on pillow, in back pack, text & email notes, put in shoe)
   b. do service- make bed, put note/snack in locker/ backpack,
   c. words of encouragement- 5 positives for one correction

2. Write out in journal or record your voice what you hope, desire, wish to see for your loved one and the "why" . Read this or listen to this day and night. Good things will follow

3. It is also their OWN work to CHOOSE to fill themselves up with positiveness, encouragement, self respect and love.
    a. self respect and love also come from serving others. We receive sustenance to our souls when              we help someone else

4. YOUR OWN example of filling up yourself with-
    a. spiritual/meditation- connecting with God, being/feeling confident in His voice and God's love for you (when you feel it for yourself, then you feel it for others)
    b. a good physical workout- 5-30 minutes
    c. working on your own interests/hobby/passion
    d. service- helping anyone around you, it lifts you and them

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