Monday, October 29, 2018

Easy Noodle Stirfry

1/2-1 lb sausage and or ground beef
2 c cooked spaghetti noodles
1/4 head of sliced cabbage
3 sliced carrots
1 chopped onion
2t- 2T soy sauce
1 garlic clove
salt and pepper
Could serve with freshly squeezed lemon and/or chopped green onion or cilantro.

I cooked this all up in the morning. Then reheated it for dinner at 4pm
I used my iron pan and Brown the onion first.
Then add the meat cook till done.
Add the spaghetti noodles till they get toasted and browned. The noodles did start to stick to the bottom of the pan but I added a little more oil and that loosened them up. Also you can put the lid on the pan and that loosens the noodles on the pan.
Add carrots for 7 min, then add cabbage cook for 3 min.
Add soy sauce, garlic, and salt and pepper.
Way easy and tasty.

Serve with fruit salad, veggie salad and slices of french bread.

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