Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Fibroids and Cysts

1.  Adrenal, thyroid, and pituitary support

2.  Wellness Mama
It seems that optimizing selenium intake provides powerful protection against autoimmune thyroid disease, and provides tolerance of a wide range of iodine intakes.”

3.  DR Ramsey

Fibroids or cysts are indications of estrogen dominance.  which can be caused by  many things, mainly by xenoestrogens. These are xeno (alien, strange) hormones. They imitate estrogen. They are found widely in PCB’s, BPA’s (hey are found in food and beverage containers, both plastic and metal products) and Phthalates (in processed foods, plastic objects like shower curtains and toys, adhesives, detergents, shampoo and many more) and Paraben  preservative in cosmetics and food (aka- Hydroxybenzoic acid and hydroxybenzoate) .  We have all been exposed to them through breathing, eating, drinking and skin contact.

These toxins store in fat tissue and are difficult to eliminate.

Five steps to avoiding xenoestrogens:

  • Avoid plastic bottles as much as possible – never freeze, warm or reuse disposable water bottles.
  • If you use the microwave, never use plastic. Best is to not use the microwave.
  • If you eat meat or use dairy, use from grass-fed, free-range farms.
  • Use natural detergents
  • Avoid paraben in skin care products.The best supplement that helps eliminate xenoestrogens from the body is DIM. 

Lastly, unload the liver. This is done by:

  1. Eating as close to nature as possible
  2. Drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water daily.
  3. Make sure you are having at the minimum, one bowel movement daily.
  4. Use castor oil massaged over liver morning and night to enhance the liver’s functioning.
  5. Take 1-2 scoops of detox powder daily. Some of Dr. Ramsey’s favorites are Core Restore, Complete Detoxification and Complete Meal.
4.  Importance of Cleaning the liver- kill  microbes and parasites in the organs
5.  Cryoablation pressurized argon gas is injected through the probe into the tumor, freezing and destroying the tissue.
6. Turmericturmeric and black pepper appear to stop the growth of breast tumors, Tumors do serve a function, and do it well - up to a point. They hold toxins that liver, kidneys, and intestines have not been able to adequately flush out of the system.

Massage hand where liver is- Love Liver

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