Thursday, December 7, 2017


Chloe has been sick on and off since halloween, its so draining on me.
Things I've been doing:
1. I've made smoothies with cranberries and other berries and broth soup
2. ofcourse doing oils
      A. oregano in mouth and on feet, This oil is a burning hot oil in your mouth and on your skin except for the bottom of the feet, so be careful. We put one drop of oregano in a 1/4t of olive oil or any other type of ingestible oil and then swallow. Sometimes we follow the swallow with milk or juice or water. When putting it on your feet dilute one drop of oregano with any carrier oil and rub in. But wash hands after b/c oregano oil on your hands is asking for problems, it can get on your face and burn.
     B.  frankincense on feet and in diffuser,
3. Wet socks on feet. When the kids are coughing too much especially when they are trying to sleep. I use a couch cushion to prop them more upright and then do wet socks. I fill the bathroom sink up with warm/hotish water, then put one pair of cotton socks on and put feet in the warm water.  Chloe likes to sit there for 10 or more min b/c she loves warm feet. After feet are wet then take out of water then put on the top of the cotton wet socks dry wool socks and put them to bed. For some reason the wet sock helps contrict the bronchial tubes in the lungs so they don't cough as much. She sleeps so much better and that good sound sleep helps them recover and heal faster.
but she just keeps getting sick.

       So I contact my friend shannon pointer and she did some energy testing to help uncover what chloe needed. I think the influx of candy has depressed her immune system and that she's in kindergarten and getting exposed to more sick bugs than ever before.

1.  1 drop 2x's a day           Vitamin D liquid form
2.  1/2 dropper 2x's a day    Immune Strengthener
3.  1/2 capsule                     L-Lysine- This is an amino acid that helps kill viruses. Mix a 1/2 capsule                                               in smoothie or applesauce, yogurt

4. Anti-Bio would be good too

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