Wednesday, June 21, 2017


Prepare as much as you can before camping-
-cooked chicken at home before hand  and left in 1c at least of the liquid to keep it moist, then froze it and added it to the chicken curry and quesadillas
-every day it seemed we needed to empty the cooler of the melted ice. Every 2 days we needed to buy new ice to keep the food cold
- we used a two burner camping stove and I had three different pans- one a medium size pan for boiling water (and for a bowl to mix pancake mix), a griddle to cook pancakes & bacon, and a frying pan
- Shred cheese before you leave (quesadillas, pizza, tortilla pizza, canned chili, egg mcmuffins)
- i loved having a whole head of lettuce to randomly eat whenever, it stayed crisp, I was impressed
- put all the items you are using in the cooler, in individual good quality ziplock bags, To keep the melted ice away from the food items and to keep some sort of organization to the mess.

1.  We made japanese chicken curry(it comes in a small box), with celery, carrots, onions-
2.  Tuna Sandwiches with lettuce
3.  Frozen green smoothies- only lasts about 2 days, so you got drink it all up in the first 2 days
4.  Boiled water for hot chocolate and oatmeal- added ground flax, raisins
5. Made pancakes and bacon, added ground flax (break a few eggs in a ziplock bag, then you don't have to worry about the eggs breaking.
6. Camping quesadillas- use the same cooked chicken and shredded cheese (Chloe made)
7. pizza- store bought baked dough, pepperoni, mozzarella, canned spaghetti sauce (Lily made)
8. canned soup - we take the lid off the can and put the can in the fire and it heats up quick
9. sausages/hotdogs over the fire (Katie made)
10. Logan made from the left over pizza ingredients tortilla pizzas that were much more successful than the original pizza that I made. I bought 2 bags of tortillas b/c sometime we like to use those instead of bread with peanut butter & jelly
11. canned chili- we take the lid off the can and put the can in the fire and it heats up quick. Add fritos, chopped tomatoes, shredded cheese.
12. peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
13. cereal with milk for breakfast
14. egg mcmuffins- egg, sliced meat, cheese, bread, plain, bagels or english muffins. I'd love an avocado on it too.
15. sliced lunch meat for sandwiches and on egg mcmuffins

-2 bags of bread
- trail mix (almonds, peanuts, cashews, raisins, cranberries)
-beef jerky
-7 to 10 apples
- 10 oranges
-3lbs carrots
-1 head of celery
- cheese sticks
- head of lettuce

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