Monday, September 26, 2016

From Scratch Cream of Soup


Once a month

x4           Original
6             2 cloves garlic, minced
1          1/3 cup onion, diced
1&1/2   1/2 cup main ingredient, diced (see Main Ingredient)
3/4        1/4 cup butter or substitute (see Soup Base)
3/4        1/4 cup flour or substitute (see Soup Base)
3           1 cup milk or substitute (see Soup Base)
3/4 cup broth (see Soup Base)

Quadruple recipe and freeze quart or pint size portions to use in other recipes.

2 chopped onions
2 T garlic powder
3 stalks of celery
3/4c butter
3/4c flour
3 c milk
3c broth


Saute garlic, onion and main ingredient (mushrooms, chicken, celery, etc.) and set aside. Melt butter over medium heat. Whisk in flour. Cook for about 2 minutes. Add “milk” and broth. Add sauteed garlic, onion and main ingredient. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer, stirring regularly, until it reaches desired consistency (about 10-15 minutes). Season to taste with salt and pepper and use as you would a can of condensed Cream of Something Soup in any recipe. If I make it ahead of time, I pour the soup into a pint canning jar and refrigerate it for up to four days.

Freezing Directions

You can freeze these in batches in pint or quart size bags or use as you would a can of condensed Cream of Something Soup in any recipe and freeze that dish. A great way to keep “cans” at-the-ready for your CrockPot recipes is to make a quadruple batch and bag each “can” serving in a pint-sized freezer bag. Place those bags in a gallon freezer bag, label and freeze. When you need a “can” of condensed soup, pull out a bag, thaw, and drop it in your crock!

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